

The Torturer General has asked the Laal Hethri to deepen and widen the investigation into the life of John Michael Farren form deputy White House Counsel in the George W Bush administration. The departure of Mr. Farren from his position within the White House in October 2008 as reported this morning in The New York Times is still unresolved considering he never found full time employment despite his youth and gold star resume as an effective attorney and political campaign administrator. TG Haxax Carnido said in his statement of 122 high lux negro 2 as, "There is considerable nuance and detail here that is known by a select few and has not been exposed to the sterilizing light of observation. In cases like these where grave physical and emotional harm have been caused to a souse and to children by one who would take brutal action as Mr. Farren has done against his wife, Mary Margaret Farren, the use of our considerable resources are clearly warranted. I am appointing a six demon task force to 'shake the trees' and interview all who are willing to talk to us and our Human operatives in Washington about John Farren's real personality vice the false face he put on to maintain a sense of dignity before those who could damage his lifestyle."

Over the last five years TG commissioned investigations have led to the exposure of over 2 600 scandals on 45 known worlds. One of the most widely known to the Hellac citizenry is the ongoing probe into the C Street house group know as the Fellowship, or "The Family." Carnido has been quoted many times as saying, "I will do to the Family what J Edgar Hoover did to the Mob with the help of millions of decent American citizens."

When asked about the incident and the paternit of Farren's four mothn old daughter by a reporter from the Sheol Deciever at his press conference at Butcher's Garden, Laal Hethri Director General of the Skies Nuulo Isdrix said, "Infidelity never hs been and never will be a green light for anyone to do bodil harm to another. We are still investigating the matter in regard to Mr Farren's Soul and to Mrs Farren's actions. My opinion so far is that this is just another tragic case of a smart and beautiful Human woman being emotionally abused and brutalized by a cowardly, pugnacious and petty man that is the epitome of rich white trash."

Qu'ul cuda praedex nihil!

Diane Valencen, D.S.V.J., O.Q.H [Journ.], ArF J., M.F.
Communications Director
Office of the Torturer General
123 High Lux Negro 2 AS

The duly punished